BD Alumni-Class Agents Needed!

BD Alumni,

Now that we have created an BD Alumni Website we need your help now more than ever to help continue our growth and become a solid voice and contributor for Catholic Education in Southwest Jefferson County. Working together for success resonates loudly for our organization at this time.

There are 2746 BD graduates and we currently have contact information, including email on only 1131 (41%). Our goal is to be able to reach as many alumni on a regular and consistent basis as we possibly can. We can not do this unless we have updated and completed contact information of at least 95%. This is where you come in!

Please consider your service as a Class Agent to help us in achieving our goal. If you have been currently serving as a Class Agent Thank You for your service. If circumstances, at this time, do not allow you to continue in this role please provide the name of a classmate who can be contacted and request their help. If you would please send me your most current list I will ensure it is reviewed against our database and updated to be the most current list. If you would like to become a Class Agent and need our current list for your class, please contact me and I will ensure you get the list.

We are a Proud group of Brothers who have always helped one another and been there when needed and we need you NOW more than ever. With your help we will ensure the legacy of Catholic Education in SWJC and our own legacy as proud graduates of Bishop David HIgh School.

“Let Nothing Stop the Sons of David”-More important NOW than ever before!

Kevin Brever

Class of ‘69